Imaginary Grace

Written on 2.16.01

I stand in darkness now.

I stand where it was nothing but pure light, sunshine all day long that you could feel warm on your skin.

I have fallen from my path, I can no longer see where I am going.

Only that at times, I drift from my course.

And head in the wrong direction. Heading in a direction, that I should not be following.

A path that I should not have to follow. I find myself being caught, in between the light, and the dark.

I am being pulled in two ways at once, and its all that I can do to stay where I am.

I am in a place where there is nothing but imaginary grace.

Where if you don't look it in the eye you don't have to face the problem.

But if I turn to the light, then the darkness is at unease.

Or if I turn to the darkness, then there are troubles in the light.

Where am I to go, what am I to do. I can not stand in this spot for long.

I am being distant from life. I can not stand the responsibility of facing one, but can take on the obligation of another.

Where am I to go, what am I to do.

I look to the sky for a star to guide me on my way.

And one day find myself standing in a better place.

But I see no star in the sky. I see no way out of my position.

What am I to do. . . . . . . . . . .